Tuesday, March 18, 2014

A Day in the Life of a Direct Sales Diva

6:30 Wake Up because the dog feels we need to keep with’The Man’s’ schedule.  I’m self employed today, knock it off dog.
7-7:45  Sipping coffee as I’m watching the teens scramble out the door to school.
8 Remember that one of my Mommy friends, who happens to be an awesome blogger, just got back from Hollywood where she was whisked away to so she could blog about it.  Caught up with her on Facebook and picked her brain about blogging.  She’s too fancy for me and my coffee is not quite finished so most of it went over my head.  I’ll check back with her later.
Also checked in with Nina to see if she was stopping in to pick up her latest order to fill her Sprinkle addiction.
9:15 Spend 2 hours on the phone with my Go Daddy guy, Bobby.  It was time to renew my site and he scared me a few days ago about the price of renewal so I told him to call me today after I had some time to run numbers and think about it.  Thought about going with another company but they didn’t have real people who offered customer service.  Being in the people business myself, decided that a little extra cash was worth it to get great customer service,  besides, its a tax write off!  Worked with Bobby a bit.  I asked him if he’d do a team training with my team about building websites,  he put me on hold and came back to tell me that I should just work with Go Daddy in their Turn Key Program to sell, design and build websites for my team and other DS friends and some local businesses.  Told him I was HOT with Pink Zebra right now and didn’t want to be distracted but we could talk about it again in a month.  We’ll see if he calls.   Threw a load of laundry in the washer while I was being smoozed by his supervisor.
11 Realized I hadn’t made it to the shower yet and the kids would be home soon because it was a half day.  Cranked up the shower and stayed in there till all the hot water was gone.
11:30 Nina stopped by for her Sprinkles,  kids busted in the door from school, and Hollywood Blogger’s hubby dropped off some cookies for Charity Ball tonight for the HS kids.
12 Killed 20 minutes in the BK drive through picked up some lunch for DH (Dear Hubby) then brought it up to the work site.  I can do that, I’m self employed today!
1  Come back home and ask teens for help on how to make a video for YouTube.  When they got done laughing they showed me how.  I told them I was going to make my own YouTube channel,  more laughter.
1:30  Windows Video Maker won’t stay recording for more than 43 seconds.  I wanted 5 minutes.  This is a bummer,  my hair even looked good enough today to be on the Web.
2 Compromised and made a video on my phone about Why I Joined Pink Zebra.  Phone refuses to upload it to YouTube or Facebook and its too big to email.  If you want to come watch my phone its kind of a cute video but I think that’s the only way you’ll get to see it.
2:30 Realized I didn’t do a bit of housework today!  Threw wash in the dryer, ran the vacuum, washed some random dishes, wiped down the counter and mopped the floor.
3 Looked out the window and realized it was actually sunny so I asked the dog if he wanted to go for a walk.  He said, “In the middle of the afternoon?!”  He likes that I’m self employed today too!
4  Tried the uploads again, no dice.  YouTube has a record feature, who knew?!  Did the video again, only 80 takes this time.  Guess what, 7 hours later, its still processing.  Back to work on my new website.
5  Family is home.  Still working on the website,  waiting for it to publish.
6:15  Its an International Dinner for Girl Scouts,  sweet!, no cooking.   Bummer, its only for Girl Scouts, grab a turkey sub and get back to working on the website.  Check my back office to see if this week’s order have shipped and how the team is going on sales,  nice job team already 10K for the month.  Pretty sure the brick and mortar store on the corner hasn’t move $10K in merchandise this month yet.
7:45 Pick up the Girl Scout.  Come up with the brilliant idea of signing up for Zumba and standing in the front row so the whole class has to stare at my ‘Ask me about MyEZPZLife.com’ t shirt that I haven’t gotten around to designing or ordering yet.
8:30  Remember to fold the clothes in the dryer,  ponder how to connect all these great ideas I have banging around in my head to build my business.  Hear DH getting ready to scoop some ice cream,  think to myself if those bowls land in the sink instead of the dishwasher I’ll choke someone because thanks to the turkey sub that sink is still clean from this afternoon.  Hit the coffee pot again.
10 Decide to head upstairs with the lap top to finish website and start blog,  see dishes in the sink.  I KNEW it!  Rinse bowls and loudly put them in dishwasher where they belong.  Make it upstairs and here I sit working on my blog, pecking at my site and chatting with some gals on FB.  This self employed stuff is exhausting!